This is what I received together with my AT&T monthly bill. A total of 8 pieces of paper of different shapes and colors. In one of them, the green one, I was encouraged to save resources and "go paperless"
The story of Honda's entry in the US motorcycle market in the 60s is one of the most popular case studies at business schools. Case studies, apart from a cookie-cut narrative structure, tend to include a fair amount of exhibits with graphs and tables. Very rarely they indulge in including light notes or fun facts. The Honda case is extremely appealing by itself but the following document adds some extra color to it:
The Beach Boys composed the song "Little Honda". Since they already had two hits aligned for radio release they put together the Hondels to launch the song. I guess that the song was commissioned as part of the communications campaign of the Honda Super Cub but I have not found any information about it.
Here you have the Beach Boys' tribute to the "groovy little motorbike" that is "more fun that a barrel of monkeys". No product placement in this clip though.
Hang on tight while you listen and enjoy!