Monday, October 13, 2008

Dot #2: Home made packaging

This is the "brown bag" in which I got my chocolate croissant at the Sun 'n' Buns bakery in Morro Bay last Saturday.

Someone has taken the effort to hand-write the bakery name, a sun and the sign of peace, with color markers. This is an example of a home made packaging that converted a simple chocolate croissant in a memorable experience.

Along this lines, The Glenrothes single malt Scotch Whisky also follows this path of treating each packaging as something unique.

Check out their website, it's a perfect example of neat design, careful æsthetics and brand consistency. Navigation is super easy: have you noticed in the age security-check that the cursor jumps automatically to the next field??...

Hand-written labels and individual care paid to small batches is a common denominator in other hi-scale spirit brands: Jack Daniel's or Woodford Reserve Bourbon, "handcrafted in small batches", for example.

The Glenrothes, by the way, matures in Sherry-seasoned Spanish oak casks... that dot connects with my home country!

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