En estos tiempos de crisis y más aún, para Pymes que no pueden permitirse una gran inversión en creación de marca, Internet ofrece interesantes alternativas de inversión publicitaria enfocada a targets bien segmentados, con claros y medibles retornos de inversión.
En general aún tenemos mucho que aprender en temas de Internet, aún arrastramos ese famoso retraso de uno o dos años con respecto a otros países. Faltan profesionales y aún quedan cuestiones por desarrollar (como la confianza del consumidor en pagos online), pero las empresas pierdan el tren ahora lo tendrán difícil para salir adelante dentro de unos meses.
1 comment:
In Brazil one of the major obstacles for ecommerce was the relative low penetration of credit cards (when compared to the US, that is).
The ecommerce landscape started evolving fast only after banks saw the opportunity and created mechanisms for users to make real time payments directly from their bank accounts to the ecommerce websites. However, I guess the transaction costs of those payments are still significant.
With the evolution of ecommerce towards smaller and smaller payments (online goods for social gaming like Farmville is a great example), there is a growing need for low cost payment services.
One of the possible solutions is mobile payments, because mobile carriers are used to processing tonnes of small payments and manage your bill anyway. There are many services connecting mobile payments with the web - you can buy an episode of TV series online for EUR 1,99 at www.rtlnow.com and pay with your mobile, for instance.
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